
I Seriously Approve Same-Sex Relationship

The recent amendment issue of Domestic Violence Ordinance (DVO) in Hong Kong is not only the issue of acceptability strife of same-sex relationship, but also the core conflict between the adherent cluster of orthodoxy and post-modernism behind the statute. Such controversy is a classic phenomenon within the subject social policy dealt with the value analysis. Whether to uphold the heterosexual tradition of family or recognize the fact of same-sex minority among human nature can be a philosophical thinking in depth, in which I do not have my confidence for the conciliation to the extent of rationalism, or, the extent of not superficiality, in the public hearing situation of Hong Kong at present.

The opposition from the orthodoxy and Christian is mainly for the reason of subjectively confining same-sex relationship to "freak" under the description and credendum of bible and this is mainly from the subjective faith and social framework rather than psychological fact and reality, which is not under the rule of ethics. However, should such "freak" be considered as "freak" has its illogical pre-assumption and it raises aggressive oppression against sexual minority. The latter one holds their anti-oppression attitude to guard the mere room for subsistence, from which provides the root of same-sex cluster always related to post-modernism.

Only material can define the nature of material itself. Who can artifically overturn the change of human sexual nature, if the change is the kind of nature. I seriously approve the same-sex behaviour and relationship, and the amendment of the related ordinance from the government, if there is a safe line necessary for the violence existed realistically whatever the relationship the families are. This is the answer from a dialectic materialism beholder of the conflict of DVO.

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

我反而想從實際角度去看,現行的社會政策、法律都是根據異性戀或婚姻釐定,如財產分佈,家暴等,如果接受同性為正式婚姻,這些法規將要全部改寫,牽一髮而動全身,所以反對人士(其中不少並非教徒)要維護定庭價值,實際上是要維護現時的social norms,當然要改變亦非不可,不過要經過社會討論,然後全盤對同性植入現時的法規、政策,否則爭議只會無日無之。

☆ SUPEREGO ☆ 說...


現在問題在於,同性戀傾向是一個事實,那是真實存在的一種情感。然而現在社會總是以既有的「norm」去「防止」這種性傾向的「惡化」。然而他們口中這種「性傾向的惡化」或「同性戀化」,是不以人的主觀意願去改變的。如果只為強化既有的「social norm」而不去依著人性變化而變化,那會導入「主觀唯心論」的妄斷窠臼。所謂「維護現時社會的social norms」,這是在一個絕大多數為異性戀者的社會中所產生的結論,這涉及所謂的「權力」和「合法」問題,就是「誰人多誰就有發言權」(譬如在一個同性戀為主的社區中,情況和結論便截然不同)。雖然「誰人多誰就就有發言權」無可厚非,但也不能抹殺「同性戀已成既定事實」的合法地位,我們不能以大多數人的權力意願抹殺「科學事實」。
