
Narrative therapy master Michael White passed away on 5th April 2008

Latest news in relation to Michael White
5th April 2008

Dear friends and colleagues,
We are writing now, as promised, to keep you in touch with the latest developments in relation to Michael. We are so sorry to say that the news is not good. Michael has just passed away.
In the last few days, Michael has been accompanied by family members and friends and treated with the greatest care by the intensive care staff. Those closest to him have not only cared for Michael but also found ways to keep in touch with people in different parts of the world and for this we are grateful.
Michael has also been in the thoughts of so many people. We would like to thank all of those who have sent messages of support at this time. Over coming days, weeks, months and years these will offer sustenance and company.
So many times over the years we have heard Michael express gratitude for the ways in which people would include him in their lives. This may have been those who met him in a counselling context, or a teaching context. As we continue to receive messages of support and memory we're confident that, were he to be reading them, Michael would be reflecting on what all those who are writing also offered to his life.
As soon as we know them, we will let you know of memorial arrangements.
In the meantime, if you are in Adelaide, we will be making
Dulwich Centre available from 10am-11am each day next week. If you would just like somewhere to come, meet others and talk, we would welcome seeing you during these times.
And we will continue to welcome receiving messages which will be passed on to Michael's family (please just send these to this address: newsandconnections@dulwichcentre.com.au ).
Thank you again for all your kindnesses.

From all of us here at
Dulwich Centre
and Michael’s family


A shocking news in narrative therapy field appeared in front of my eyes while I searched for some narrative therapy information for project writing purpose. I feel so sorry and think that the world again has lost an influential master who can be contacted in our generation.
