
A Female Student Dying for Cruel Homicide: in the view of a social worker

The female student Wang Ka Mui was dismembered by another strange adolescent for prostituting at a private old room. She was murdered, as confessed by the defense, while doing intercourse with the young whoremaster who has irritable characteristic. The very dread of the case is the disposal of the dead body that was dismembered, chopped into small pieces and treated as normal waste thrown into sewage, accompanied with the head discarded disappeared into the sea forever.

The initiative of the homicide is not clear at this stage. However, a girl, who was told as an elite girl, with the fate of dying in this cruel incident made any normal person feel upset and displeased under the imagined process of cruelty and catastrophe of being cleaving as an object.

As a social worker, how can you counsel the student prostitutes who perceive sex as trade? The social sense of being a member of the society is weakened in the mind of the prostitutes that they are seldom received a positive identity, according to Erikson's adolescent discourse. They can only build up their identity through the behaviour of superficially sensual perception rather than superior aspiration. They do not required themselves to be a civic member of complying tacit agreement related to ethics and other expectations, in terms of the loss of the societal identity.

Micro counselling in case work intervention is remedial to the outcome of the prostitutes' mind, while the originality of the student prostitute is the loss of the sense of social being. Community work instilling societal awareness to make adolescents perceive themselves as a contributed role to the society is a preventive method tackling a societal phenomenon.

Yet it is not a easy task to overcome societal problems in just a few words, particularly in the
intricate case of not being caused from unilateral social aspect, in which it is always related to multi-dimensional factors. A rule and direction should be indicated and turn into intervention mind of a social worker, which deserves as reference for future action to do.
